Thursday, October 16, 2008

Witch Hunts

The Lottery connects closely to many different situations that have happened in real life. Some could connect it to the Aztec sacrificial ceremonies, the death of Jesus, black oppression, or even to the 9/11 bombings. The closest link in history that applies to this story, however, would definitely have to be the medieval witch hunts. As in "The Lottery", witch hunts were started out of irrational fears, ridiculous beliefs, or easily influenced minds. The methods with which they were eradicated were quite similar. The method in which they killed the "chosen one" in the story was quite torturous, but sadly it was not as horrible as when the witch hunts were in effect. They would burn them, drown them, physically torture them, throw them in pools of festering bacteria, and without any forewarning, like in "The Lottery".

The common characteristic of "The Lottery" and "The Peril's of Indifference" is that they both have the same theme. Both with completely different stories, yet both sending the same unyeildingly brutal and realistic truth of human nature: That we are capable of anything. This is not to be taken in a positive light. In one century we went through countless civil wars, two world wars, genocides, and a holocaust all to the pain and death of millions. The people in "The Lottery" feared the changing of tradition. This is much the same as the holocaust, born of fear and hatred. The Germans needed someone to blame for their failing economy, and Hitler to the rescue, he gave them six million reasons. Many people would look at this article and think that it's not possible, that we're a more advanced society now. They'd think that we couldn't possibly allow ourselves to stoop so low, and that we've learned our lessons. Well we should have learned our lessons after the witch hunts, after the death of Jesus, or after enslaving an entire race of people for sugar. Elie Wiesel warns us to be vigilant. To not let fear overcome reason, and to enter the new century with these catastrophes by our own hands, in mind.

Dangerous Minds

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Review

I look upon the sandwich with speculation, wondering at its perhaps- too brown crust. I never enjoy a sandwich with too much crunch, and I scrape my plastic butter knife over its surface, listening for the bumpy sand-paper sound that indicates it's grade of toastiness. The sound itself sets my mouth watering. It's glistening surface beckons, and I suddenly realize the magnificence of it. It should be illegal to eat this or there should at least be an age restriction. Having buttered the inside and outside of the bread slices, there is a creamy quality added to the texture of a cheese that can only be described as from god's personal cow. Not too sharp, not too mild, it plays over your sense of taste, submerging you in melty extacy. I can almost hear the angels singing. The first swallow awakens my ravenous need for more, and I take another large bite that brings tears to my eyes, as I know there is that much less left. The richness of the butter saturates everything at first. That is until the hot, liquid cheese escapes from its equally delicious encasement of salty, crunchy and heavenly browned toast. This sandwich will change your life.
I give it one hundred on a scale from one to ten.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The top three things that you can do with mud are: play in it, make mud sculptures, and eat it. The Criteria is based on which one is the most popular activity in all age groups, and they are in the order from top to bottom, depending on how each is rated.

Eating mud is not recommended at any age, and it probably doesn't taste good, but that doesn't mean that people don't do it. In fact, eating anything at all probably involves eating mud, in one form or another. When you eat vegetables grown in mud, or grown in dirt that was once mud, you are in fact, eating mud. Perhaps literally, perhaps not. If there is dirt on your vegetables, then yes, you are literally eating mud. If however, you took the sentance in the way that I meant it to be taken, then you're probably smarter than the average bear. It is, for example, the same way that if you're eating something grown under the sun, you are eating the sun. Children all across the world eat mud. Not because they prefere a finely aged mud, but rather that they eat everything.

Mud sculptures are popular in areas where there is, you guessed it, a lot of mud. Making a house out of mud is a form of mud sculpture, as well as a good way to save money. It is also a more environmentally friendly way to live, and all your neighbors in their cow dung huts will be green with envy. Many people all around the world, sit by little spinning wheels and make mud into pots, cups, or ornaments of all types. You might be saying to yourself, "wait, that's clay! Clay isn't mud..." but no. Clay by itself, is as you so intelligently deducted, clay. However, should you happen to look in a dictionary, wet clay certainly classifies as a type of mud.

Playing in mud is fun for all ages, but the activity is gravitated more to by a younger age group. kids love mud because its wet, cool, and you can throw it. It is a good source of entertainment, and very good at preventing heat stroke. Many movies have scenes where soldiers are crawling through mud, or women are sitting in "mud baths", which I would classify in the playing section.

Mud is an amazing thing that provides entertainment from playing with it, sculpting it or even eating it. Every day over one thousand trillion billion kajillion pounds of mud are used in any one of these activities. Where would we be.... without mud?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What I Would Use Blogs For

Blogs are interesting especially if you're looking for a debate or a poll to participate in. There are lots of blogs over the Internet that are just plain boring, but there are political blogs where people get into huge arguments and start screaming at each other and swearing. Blogs raise controversial issues to the public, ask abstract questions, and can be aesthetically pleasing. However, if I were to use a blog, it would probably be for some sort of advertising purpose.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Super Power


If I could choose a super power, only one in the world, it would be the ability to control the wind. I could start or stop storms with a whim, get involved in the stock market and destroy my competition, or just fly myself to Mexico. There's also good money in wind power . I thought of psychic abilities or being able to see the future, but then nothing would be a surprise, and yeah, knowing what everyone was thinking would be great, but sometimes its better not to know what people are thinking.